Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Flickr Photo Cache

After logging onto flickr and looking at a photo cache, I pulled three photos in which I noticed architectural features that I found noteworthy. The three photos and why I chose them are located below.
This flickr photo was taken by a fan using his iPhone on panoramic picture mode. I chose this photo because there was an architectural feature that stood out to me. In our last class lecture, Dr. Spec discussed the importance of lines in architecture, and I think this photo perfectly displays the effect of  lines. You can see the lines that separate the first, second, and third levels so clearly because they are colored with advertisements. They run the circumference of the stadium and are perfectly parallel with one another. There's even a fourth parallel line that goes around the opening of the roof. I think that the use of lines by the architects give the stadium a clean, sleek look.

I chose this photo because I believe it perfectly displays what the architects were going for when they designed the color of the building. Color is clearly the stadiums most dynamic quality. What other stadium in the world can light up on every inch of its exterior and can even change colors? Look at the background behind the stadium. The fact that the stadium was built in a suburban area allows the color to be even that much more dynamic because there is very little color lit behind it. I believe that's what architects were going for. Whether the stadium is lit white, blue, red, or a combination of the three, its color will always stand out compared to its surroundings.

I chose this photo because I think it captures the texture that the seats create when looking up at them from the pitch. Imagine looking at a stadium filled with these seats that create this texture. The texture makes you feel small as a player, which in effect, makes the stadium feel bigger. The architects of this building probably wanted it to make it seem as large as possible, so I think this photo captures the intent of the architects.

Kraemar, Harold. "Allianz Arena in Munich." Flickr. Yahoo! 3 February 2015

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